Indexed of journal
Redactia revistei Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" , Seria Educatie Fizica si Sport
Our JOURNAL is nationally acknowledged by C.N.C.S.I.S., being included in the B+ category publications, 2008-2010.
1996-2012: ISSN 1224-7359
2013 : ISSN 2285-777X
ISSN-L 2285-777X
ISSN online 2285-7788
Periodicity for each year: Issue 1-January, Issue 2-June, Issue 2 Suppliment-September
Indexed in:
- EBSCO/SPORTDiscus(page 16, row 6)
- Index Copernicus
- GALE Data Distribution and Content License Agreement /10.03 2010 / 12.04.2010
Journal Index Catalogue
1. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN, USA, Lupton Library
2. University of Groningen, e-journal, Olanda
3. ejournals@cambridge, Cambridge University, UK
4. San Jose Public Library System, California, USA
4. University of the West, California, USA
5. University of Virginia, USA
6. California State University, USA
7. Ilan University Library, Taiwan
8. Turkish Academic Network And Information Center
9. Birmingham Public Library, UK
10. Universia Biblioteca Net, Madrid, Spain
11. University of Ottawa, uOttawa Library
12. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Gernoble, France
13. Feng Chia University Library, China
14. Memorial Sloan Kottering
15. Universiteis Bibliotheek Gent, Belgium
16. Content service Platform, Beijing, China
17. James Cook University, Australia
18. Kun Shuan University Library /Journal Package, Taiwan
19. University de Quebec, Bibliotheque de l’Ets, Revues et journaux electroniques
20. The University of North Dakota
21. Harvard Libraries, USA
22. Ohio Library Catalog